ParseTree Corporation
Linux Translation Services:
You supply English translators, we supply the technical know-how to help train them, and direct them in their tasks. 

We can help in the dictionary building (new technology equals new words in your language).

We get things formatted correctly, debugged, submitted, and accepted by the various organizations, building prototype language packs and source builds.
Bring your nation into the Information Era.  Make software available to native speakers, that otherwise would not be able to benefit from computers.  And make available high quality software at zero cost.  Also, enjoy the strategic advantages that may result as Microsoft and other software vendors lower their costs, and provide translations to compete.  What was learned working on Kinyarwanda (the language spoken in Rwanda) can be applied to any other language.  If you can supply English translators, we can supply the technical know-how to help train them, and direct them in the tasks.  We can help in the dictionary building (new technology equals new words in your language), getting things formatted correctly, debugged, submitted, and accepted by the various organizations, building prototype language packs and source builds.  It's a big job, but the benefits to your nation are inestimable.
(307) 899-5535 Office
(307) xxx-xxxx Other
(307) xxx-xxxx Fax
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This page was last updated: January 25, 2010
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